Think Outside, No Box Required!!!

Don’t you think the thinking that guides your intelligence is much more important than how much intelligence you have! ??

But aren’t we just the puppets to our society and its stereotypes??

The society has always been biased; accustomed to the typical stereotypes prevalent since centuries and demands the same from the present as well as the upcoming generations too.

“Don’t go out; don’t hang out, it’s too late.”……”Don’t opt for this profession, it’s worthless.”……”Don’t show your emotions to anyone, it’s a sign of being weak.”…….”Don’t express your fears, hate, sadness and anxiety.”….and the list goes on and on……!!!

Moreover, what adds to the severity of the situation are the serious issues like gender bias , racism and communalism which are now a matter of concern not only nationally but internationally.

But the question of the hour is why are we supposed to follow only the set parameters?…. And how long will it take for our society to accept that this is the century of innovations and developments; that everyone is free to follow his/her own heart and dreams….???

We have to rise above these set parameters and stubborn expectations.

We are required to raise the bar ; focus on our talents, our creativity; attack our weaknesses; take up challenges; take calculated risks ; moreover, rise above the parameters that tag our actions and expressions as  ‘absurd’  without any justified logic.

This is the time to get into your zone,  redesign yourself and rejuvenate those skills, talents and hobbies which were once left in the race of life to be wasted….!!!

“Live life to express, not to impress.”     ~Unknown

Don’t be a prisoner to someone else’s thoughts. Dare to think out of the box; the World awaits you!!!

All the very best readers!👍☺

Author: Himanshi Mathur

An eloquent orator, an evid dancer and a voracious reader; she puts the hot in Psychology, Biology and Philosophy. Pluviophile • Melomane • Dreamer • Turbulent • Novaturient • Miss_pitter-patter🍃 •"MIRACULOUSLY EASY and yet MYSTERIOUSLY POWERFUL!!!...Thrillers from her pen are now a gripping read....''

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